Does anyone even miss me when I’m gone?

Some centuries ago a nobleman decided to build a church for the people of the surrounding area. On the day of the dedication everyone was awed by the splendor of the architecture and design. But then someone noticed that an important element had been overlooked. There were no lampstands to light the interior of the church. “What will light the church?” they asked. Continue reading

The crazy old couple

A young couple brought their newborn child to church for the first time and hardly anybody noticed. Except for an old man and an old widow who got very excited. The old man believed he wouldn’t die until he had a very unusual experience. Today was the day!

The old woman lived at the church since the passing of her husband. When these two saw Joseph and Mary bringing the infant Jesus into the temple they did some crazy things. They excitedly took the baby, blessed the couple, prophesied and gave Mary some sad news. You can read all about it in Luke 2:25-38 but here is what is amazing and something I need to regularly remember.  Continue reading

30 Days To A Happier You

I recently ran across the most amazing book. And, let me just say up front, this post is NOT selling a book. In fact, I only have one copy of the book and there is no way you are getting mine from me. But, I can tell you where you can get a copy and it’s not expensive – but it will change your life.

If you want to develop a more positive outlook on life and just be overall happier every day, you must get this book. I guarantee … did you hear that … guarantee this book will change your life in just 30 days – or less. And, it’s not a big book, an expensive book nor hard to read. And, it is NOT the Bible, though I highly recommend that one for a changed life, too. Continue reading

Getting your prayers answered.

The Messiah had finally come. He was going to deliver Israel from their oppressors. But then this happened.

When he got to Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. (Mark 11:15)

He walked past the Roman soldiers in the streets. He didn’t address the corrupt, anti-god government that ruled the city. He went straight to the temple and cleansed it.

He didn’t seem nearly as bothered by the sin around him as he was with the sin in the lives of his own people. I have to admit, I don’t like that. I wish he would deal with “them” and leave me alone.

“Look at all the bad stuff ‘they’ are doing Lord. Sure, there are things in my heart that could use a little polishing up but I’m not nearly as bad as ‘them.’ Why don’t you start with ‘them’ and once ‘they’ are all straight, then we can work on the things in my life.” Continue reading

Holy Pie Plate, Batman!

Jana and I have a special pie plate that looks like a pumpkin pie. So, naturally, you can only use it to hold a pumpkin pie. As great as a cherry or apple pie might be, it just wouldn’t be right to put one in this plate.

Imagine, and we’re going to get a little gross here so stop reading aloud if there are children in the room. Imagine if I handed you this nice warm pie plate, your taste buds got all set for pumpkin pie and you opened it to find … brussels sprouts. What an abomination! Continue reading

Getting to third base

I know a fellow who was considering asking a girl to marry him. At the church he attended they closed each service by calling everyone forward to kneel and spend some time in prayer. As he was diligently seeking direction about asking his girlfriend to marry him, he decided to ask God to specifically guide him.

“Lord, if you want me to ask her to marry me, have her come and kneel by me to pray. If you don’t want me to ask her, then don’t let her come pray beside me.”  A few moments later he sensed a person kneel beside him. By the sweet smell of perfume, he could tell it was her. Excitedly he opened his eyes knowing for sure he had heard from God. But there, beside him, knelt another girl he barely knew. What was he to do? He tapped her on the shoulder and proposed.

The first part of that story is true but obviously, he didn’t propose. Instead, he got up totally confused. Can you relate? Do you ever have a hard time finding specific direction from the Lord? Am I supposed to do this or do that or none of the above? In my last post, I shared a time Paul the apostle seemed to bounce from option to option trying to find God’s direction. After a couple of false starts, he got what seemed to be clear direction in a vision. But wait… Continue reading

Ever have a hard time finding God’s will?

Onward through the fog!

Sometimes I feel like that summarizes my spiritual walk – moving forward toward a foggy, uncertain destination.

Like me, do you ever have a hard time receiving specific direction from the Lord?

Obviously, there are many things we are clearly directed to do in Scripture – summed up in, “love and serve others.” But do I go here, do this, do that, when do I move, when do I stay, when do I wait, when do I act? All those specifics are often hard for me to discern.

If you have the same problem, it might encourage you to know, we are in good company. Continue reading

He found what he’d been looking for

A rancher decided he was tired of always fixing and mending things on his property, It was finally time to sell the old place and move to the ranch he had always dreamed about. After he gave a real estate agent the grand tour she wrote up a description and suggest a price. But, after reading her description of the ranch the old fellow announced he wasn’t going to sell it after all. “I can’t sell it.” he explained. “I’ve been looking for a place like this all my life.”

Most of us live in a place – location, home, situation – that most of the world would be envious of. We routinely enjoy comforts and privileges that even the richest could only dream of just a few generations ago. Yet, it is easy, far too easy, to be discontent. Instead of seeing what we do have, it’s natural to focus on what we don’t have, what we don’t like, how we wish things were different.

It’s great to aim for a better tomorrow. It’s good to want to accomplish more, make a bigger difference in our world, see our influence reach even further and do more good for others. But, while aiming for the “stars,” don’t forget to be grateful for the “planet” where you are now.

Don’t forget to be grateful for the people in your life, for the opportunities you do have, for the blessings that are so easily overlooked as we look down the road toward a bigger dream. And, don’t forget to express that gratitude because love unexpressed is powerless.

Gratitude, like love, like forgiveness, is a choice we make. We can choose to be grateful even if we don’t feel grateful. And, often, once we set gratitude as our course, our feelings jump on board the train and come along for the ride.
Colossians 3:15
….always be thankful.

Here is some of the SCIENCE OF GRATITUDE from Harvard Health.

Stored up and ready?

Two words grabbed my attention this morning – “stored up.”

It happened while reading something Jesus said, “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.”  Luke 6:45

Stored up. When I go to my pantry I find just what I put in there. If it’s empty, it’s because I haven’t been putting anything in. If it’s filled with garbage it’s because I’ve been filling it with garbage. If I expect to find something good to eat, then I need to put something good in.

As the old computer programmers used to say Continue reading