Rick Malm

Thoughts on the Word and the world

Rick Malm

How to find peace in chaos

How to find peace in chaosThe wind was roaring. The rain was pounding. It looked like our home would flood. My family lived on the Texas coast and a hurricane was raging around us. Then, suddenly, things went deathly silent. We were in the eye of the storm.

The media warned us to stay inside but there was no way I was going to miss this. It was absolutely amazing. There were downed limbs, power lines and debris everywhere but the air was perfectly still. An eerie enveloping silence replaced the angry roar of wind and rain. Continue reading

How to not be naive.

How to not be naiveI met a fellow who told me he wanted to help troubled marriages. That’s noble. When I found out he was not married I asked what he thought he had to offer couples who were going through marital problems.

“Oh,” he said, “I understand pretty much everything there is to know about marriage problems. I’ve been divorced five times.”

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They are only beautiful because they are dead!

Nature explodes this time of year into awe-inspiring colors and hues. It’s like God is showing off his color palette. But it occurred to me that those colors are only possible because the leaves are dying. Their splendor is a product of their death.

All Summer the leaves were thriving, collecting sunlight and rain, doing their part to keep the tree alive and healthy. But now, at the end of their season, they have no more to give. Yet, when their energy is expended, when they are no longer able to be productive, they become their most attractive and glorious.

We’ve been fooled
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Two Reasons You May Not Be Hearing From God

If you turn, you will hearTwo of my kids have been going through the arduous process of selling a house that needs some major repairs and buying a new one. There were several disappointments and dead-ends but today it looks like it is all going to turn out better than they ever expected.

In discussing – via text – the journey of trusting God through the process, Charis wrote, “I trusted him. I just didn’t trust my own decisions because He didn’t say ANYTHING!”

As I shared with her why that probably was, I thought, “I’ll bet there are others who could benefit from this, too” as I’m sure many of you, like me, have faced God’s silence in the midst of times when you desperately wanted direction.

Isaiah 30:21 says, “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.Continue reading

Should we wear masks after the pandemic?

He is a renowned expert in the medical field but he is viewing the world like I used to as a kid. With two empty toilet paper rolls I had a pair of binoculars. And, they really did make things look bigger! At least I thought so.

Maybe they didn’t work but by blocking out everything else it sure made whatever I was looking at seem bigger. When we narrow our focus and only see one thing it looks like that is the whole world, the complete picture. And that’s what our medical friend was doing when he said that after this COVID pandemic masks should become like seatbelts – we all wear them whenever we are in public and even shame inconsiderate people who don’t. He is an expert so he must be right. Or is he? Here is the crazy part about his suggestion. Continue reading

A Secret to Happiness (Even in Quarantine)

Even if you are NOT a reader I have a book that I guarantee will lighten your heart and bring a smile to your face. No, I’m not selling a book. In fact, I only have one copy and there is no way you are getting mine.

If you want to be happier every day, even in the midst of a pandemic, you must get this little inexpensive book. I guarantee it will change your life in just 30 days – or less. Oh, and, it is NOT the Bible, though I highly recommend that one for a changed life, too.

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COVID-19 Response: 3 Things We Can Do NOW.

Let's love the fear out of peopleI send you out as lambs among wolves.*

Lambs among wolves? Really Jesus? That’s crazy! We’re gonna get creamed! The kingdom of God is upside-down (at least from the world’s point of view.)

It’s “crazy” to think:

  • If you have a need, give … and it shall be given unto you.
  • If you want to save your lifelose it.
  • If you exalt yourself you’ll be humbled. Humble yourself to be exalted.
  • If you want to be great .. be a servant of all.
    Not just a servant to the influential but a servant even to other servants.

In this time of world chaos it’s easy to respond like the world: anxiety, insecurity, complaining and hoarding because we don’t know what’s coming. That’s a natural response but …

God has called us to live supernaturally (above the natural). That means more than “I don’t smoke and I don’t chew and I don’t go with girls that do.”

It’s easy to condemn the bad ACTIONS of the world
while we have the same bad ATTITUDES of the world.

If our attitudes and actions are just like the world we can expect to reap the same harvest the world reaps – anxiety, worry and hopelessness. But how can we live counter-culturally, counter-intuitively, upside-down from the world’s perspective? Continue reading

Just call me “pilgrim.”

Pilgrims. That’s what they chose to call themselves. But why such a strange name?

The black hats, big buckles and grey whiskers we associate with the Thanksgiving day pilgrims was actually the attire of a later group, the Puritans. The Pilgrims wore bright clothing and were mostly young adults and young families in their 20s and early 30s. They called themselves “Pilgrims” because of this passage:

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Hebrews 11:13

“Having not received the promises but having seen them afar off”. These folks knew the dangers they faced and the sacrifices they made were not primarily for them but for future generations. Even today, we enjoy the benefits their sacrifices purchased. The Mayflower Compact, signed by them before going ashore, for example, was the first example of a self-governing people – government “of the people, by the people and for the people”.

Half of the original “pilgrims” who came on the Mayflower died the first winter yet they gave thanks to God for His goodness toward them. Such people are not living for today or what they can gain in this life. They are obviously living for eternity – embracing the promises of God that are ahead. Continue reading

Is this pathetically self-promoting …?

It’s basically your chance to listen in on our Father / Son chats about all sorts of life issues. I guarantee that some of the challenges we discuss are things you have faced. Here is what I would tell you if you were my kid – because it’s exactly what I did tell them. We’ve gotten fantastic reviews from a few samples we sent out.
So I hope you’ll check it out – CLICK HERE TO GO NOW – and while you’re there why not sign up to get all the upcoming releases.
4 Secrets I Learned From a Rich Dad


My dad turned sixty-five yesterday. My dad is my hero. He is also the wisest person I know. I have had access to that wisdom throughout my life. I know that many don’t get the benefit of having such a good example.

Which got me thinking.

A few years ago a guy named Robert Kiyosaki wrote a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The book talks about how kids with wealthy parents learn things about money by watching their parents that poorer families don’t learn. You just don’t know what you don’t know. If you didn’t have a good example growing up, you have to seek out wisdom if you want to live a different life.

My dad is no millionaire, but when it comes to godly wisdom he’s loaded. Here’s some stuff I learned by watching him that I think many people never get a chance to learn from their parents:

1. God-honoring risk is good – My dad moved his young family to a third-world country ravaged by civil war to be missionaries. Lots of people who love Jesus would say that was irresponsible. In my mind it was the best decision he ever made for our family. Dad showed me what being brave looks like. Being courageous never gets easier, but I always think back to his example of courage.

2. Being different is good – Dad always used this line: Others can, we must not. He reminded us we were called to live at a whole other level. Sure I missed out on lots of pop culture. But quoting movies never has much power when you are facing the weightier things of life. Quoting scripture that you were forced to memorize does.

3. You will be held accountable before God for every decision you make – Sound like lots of pressure to live under?  It was. But from what I’ve seen, most people could use a little more pressure. Too many people are living their lives without thinking about the consequences. Every road has a destination. You need to think about where the road you are on is leading you.Too many Christians live for the most part just like the world when it comes to what they buy, watch, listen to and how they react to challenges. Dad taught us that how we spend our time, talent and treasure has eternal ramifications. Sure, it makes it difficult to live like a hippie – you have to be responsible. But we are only on this planet for a few years. We need to make the most of the time God has given us.

4. God is your provider and your generosity is evidence of your trust in that truth – It’s one thing to say it, it’s another live it. Unfortunately, too many people live trying to create a situation where they can remove all financial insecurity. You need to be a good steward, but how often do you really give to the point where you actually have to trust God. Giving until it hurts makes you vulnerable. It’s scary.

So there it is, a snippet of the many things I learned from my rich dad.

Happy Birthday Dad!


P.S. In just a few weeks I’ll be launching a podcast with my dad. The format is him and me talking about all the things he taught me through his wisdom and example. Lots of stories and practical advice about money, parenting, and relationships. I sent some samples of the podcast to a test group and the reviews have been stellar. I’ll keep you posted 🙂