It left me speechless … then it changed me!

"Lord, please bless ..."

A friend challenged me, “I dare you, for one week, don’t use the word ‘bless’ when you pray for someone.”

“That’s easy enough,” I thought. And it was easy until … until the next time I prayed for someone. “Lord, please bless … Oh, wait, I can’t use ‘bless.’ Hmmmmm. What now?”

I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say. I actually had to stop, think about the person, their situation, their family, and their current struggles and needs.

I actually had to think about what I was saying when I prayed!
Imagine that.

Suddenly I realized how much of my praying was little more than a half-brained recitation of names prefaced with “Lord, bless…” Now I had to think about them. Where are they spiritually, physically, emotionally, in their home, in their family? What do I pray specifically that will “bless” them?

That was tough because I know prayer is not about getting God to do my will. It’s about me aligning with His will and praying for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. What would be the Lord’s will for them so I can align my prayer with His will?

Now, I had to pray about what to pray about!
“Lord, what is your will for my friend (or enemy)?
How do You want to bless them so I can pray accordingly?”

I don’t want to be mean but ….

I want to issue the same challenge to you that “messed up” my prayer life. The challenge that left me speechless and then left me changed.

I dare you, for one week, to not use the word “bless” in your prayers.

Let me know how it goes.

STOP Sending Missionaries!

Even in the church some are asking if we should STOP SENDING MISSIONARIES.

  • There are so many needs right here at home.
  • National workers can do it better and cheaper.
  • Missionaries destroy beautiful native cultures.
  • Isn’t it insensitive, even arrogant, to convert people?

You may have asked some of these or similar questions yourself.Stop Sending Missionaries
STOP the ignorance.
CLICK HERE to get thoughtful, reasonable answers to these and other legitimate questions.