30 Days To A Happier You

I recently ran across the most amazing book. And, let me just say up front, this post is NOT selling a book. In fact, I only have one copy of the book and there is no way you are getting mine from me. But, I can tell you where you can get a copy and it’s not expensive – but it will change your life.

If you want to develop a more positive outlook on life and just be overall happier every day, you must get this book. I guarantee … did you hear that … guarantee this book will change your life in just 30 days – or less. And, it’s not a big book, an expensive book nor hard to read. And, it is NOT the Bible, though I highly recommend that one for a changed life, too.

The book I’m talking about is a simple journal. But you’re going to turn it into something very special– A Gratitude Journal. Each evening, before you drop off to sleep, write down one thing you are grateful for. (If you want to be hyper-happy, write down three things.) Then, as you drop off to sleep, spend your last waking hour thanking the Lord for that thing you listed. There’s nothing like an attitude of gratitude to fill us with joy and contentment.

The reason I say it might take up to 30 days before this book you are writing begins to infect you with happiness is because for the first week to 10 days you’ll be saying the standard things. “I’m grateful for my family.” “I’m grateful for my health.” “I am grateful for my salvation.”

But after about a week you’re going to have to start really thinking to find something fresh and new to be grateful for. That’s when we begin to delve into being grateful for things we normally take for granted. And that’s where the secret of true happiness and contentment comes from.

Go to your local Dollar Store and get a cheap journal or visit a fancy stationery store and get a nice leather bound one. Either one will work if … if you actually use it for the next 30 days.

Have a Grate-full day!
Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Ephesians 5:20
… always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2 thoughts on “30 Days To A Happier You

  1. Gratitude is an amazing virtue, character trait and a very good habit. The more grateful I am, the more I have to be grateful for —— amazing how that works. God bless. Kenneth O’Neal

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