Why Crucify?


What was the big deal about Jesus being crucified that in 1 Corinthians 1:23 Paul said that is what he preached?  It seems he should have said “but we preach Christ” risen from the dead.  Wouldn’t it have been the same if they stoned him or killed Jesus with a sword?


You are right that a major message of Paul was not just that Jesus died but that he was “crucified”.  He should have been stoned.  At his trial he was convicted of blasphemy (Matthew 26:65) and Scripture clearly teaches a blasphemer should be stoned (Leviticus 24:16). Continue reading

Is sex before marriage a sin?

I was recently asked this question via a FaceBook chat.  The “friend” who asked it was someone I did not personally know but who had visited the church.  I anticipated after my answer they would sign-off with a quick “thanks” or less.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Here is what I told them: The Bible is very clear on that issue. Continue reading

Will everyone eventually be saved?

Someone told me that hell is just temporary and that the greek word associated with eternal punishment really meant for a limited time but the church translated it “eternal” to control people through fear.  Is God saving some people now but will save others after they have been in hell for awhile?

Some refer to this teaching as Biblical Universalism trying to distinguish themselves from the traditional universalists that deny the Scriptures.  

While Biblical Universalists lay claim to believing the Bible it is still the same old heresy “in sheep’s clothing”.  First, they deny all major translations of the Bible as being accurate.  These “mistranslations”  include the King James Version, New International Standard Version, New American Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version, the Amplified Bible, The Net Bible, New Century Version, New Living Translation, International Standard Version as well as many others.   Instead, they refer you to a few obscure translations which, if you will check it out, you will find were almost exclusively done by other universalists who were not well educated in the original languages and had a point to prove by “correcting” the translations done by scholarly teams of translators both old and new. A key to cult success and heretical teachers is to undermine the trustworthiness of Scriptures so you are left having to depend upon their word, or their translations, for the “truth”. Continue reading

Can I be pro-choice but anti-abortion?

In the abortion debate I am pro-choice.  When I mention this I have had Christians tell me I am pro-abortion.  That angers me because I hate abortions but I think a person should have a choice in this matter.  How come Christians think pro-choice is the same as pro-abortion?

I can understand your frustration at being labeled as being in favor of something that you detest.  Most people would consider your stance rather neutral.  You are not in favor of abortion but neither do you think people should be restricted from having them if that is their choice. Continue reading

Are all Jews going to be saved?

In Romans 11:26 the Bible clearly says “all Israel shall be saved.” Does that mean we should not waste our time witnessing to Jews since they will be saved anyway? Also, does that mean they will be saved just because they are Jews without having to trust in Jesus?”

Often when we don’t understand a passage of Scripture a little diligent study will reveal that the Bible is the best interpreter of the Bible. Questions we have are often answered somewhere else in God’s Word. Continue reading

Jesus’ Folded Napkin

A pertinent question for Easter came to me from my daughter, Charis. She received an email that told this tale and wondered what I thought of it.  I’ve summarized it here (and corrected some of the grammar):

When Peter arrived at the grave of Jesus the Bible says the napkin that covered Jesus’ face was neatly folded up.  To understand the significance of that you have to understand a little about Hebrew tradition.

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Can God Make a Rock So Big He Cannot Lift It?

When I was in the Navy I remember a young lieutenant asking me this “profound” puzzler.  “Can God do anything?  Can He make a rock so big he cannot lift it?”

This is a rather common question asked by pseudo-intellectuals who think they have stumbled across a great chink in the Christian’s belief about the omnipotence of God. The answer to the question is quite simply, “No, there are many things God cannot do.”

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Is it God or just Life?

Don’t confuse God with Life.

This quote comes from one of the greatest books I have ever read.   Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey is a hard hitting, no nonsense approach to dealing with times that God “let’s us down”.  I suggest you get a copy for yourself AND a friend.

This quote explains in 5 words why many Christians stumble and falter when difficulties come.  I lose my job.  My child gets sick.  I get sick.  A loved one dies.  Random tragedy shatters my life and dreams.  Why God?  Why! Why! Why!

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