Don’t be silly

Silly coltI heard a fellow tell the story of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem from the colt’s perspective. When he was returned to his owner he excitedly told all the other animals how warmly he had been welcomed in Jerusalem. “People were laying down branches and even their coats for me to walk on. They were shouting and cheering. They were all so excited to see me and have me come to town.” Continue reading

Life is lived close to the rut.

In the "rut-ine"I’m not sure this is correct grammatically but I think rut is the plural of routine.  While we need routines, too much and too many can leave us like the little slot car racers – running at top speed around and around in our little slot,  never seeing or doing anything new, challenging or horizon expanding.  Growth requires we let God pop us out of our predictable race car “slot” sometimes and “go where no man has gone before”.  (OK, somebody at sometime has probably gone there before. I just couldn’t resist the Star Trek reference.)

But I have found when God takes us to a new level – you know, that “glory to glory” thing – that we always walk close to the slot, the old rut.  When we get tired, discouraged or just lazy, it is easy to kick back into the old habits, the old way of doing things, the familiar “rut-ine”.

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Two Roads Too Many

2 roads too manyI am just a dissertation away from my PhD in Pastoral Ministry and I can see that the hours upon hours of study and reading have really helped my preaching and understanding of God’s Word. Especially the studies of church history have given me a confidence in dealing with much of the pseudo-bible teaching floating around today. Seems there really is nothing new under the sun. Every weird idea and concept floating around today was dealt with and answered in the first 300 years of the church.

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fuel the flame

You can’t stop it. Valentines Day approaches. For the romantically challenged that can produce cold chills. “What do I say?  How can I express my thoughts?  I really love him/her but my mind draws a blank when trying to express it.  Awk!!”

If you are like me you could probably use some help putting your feelings into words.  I recently discovered an awesome resource that I am willing to share with you but this is so good I have decided I want to “savor the flavor”, you know, stretch it out and make the most of it.

So here is the deal, I’m not going to tell you what to say – now that would really be dumb wouldn’t it? – but I have discovered a list of thought provokers that will help you reach down into the deep recesses of your heart and find the Cyrano de Bergerac within.

About once a week I’ll post a couple of these idea starters on this site to help you keep the flame of “amore” alive in your relationship.  Also, if you would prefer, I’ll send them to you via email when they are posted.  What a deal.  You gotta admit, I got your back.  I’m looking out for you.  If you want to get the posts regularly, click on the logo in the upper left hand corner of this page where it says “Subscribe”.  If you prefer to get them via email, send your email address to:    Put “fuel the flame newsletter” in the subject line and type your email address in the text area.    EZ, eh?

So here is a sample to get you through Valentine’s day.  Fill in these blanks and share your thoughts with that special one in your life.

If we had met in a comic strip, the thought bubble above my head would have said _________________.
As I got to know you, I became even more interested in you because _________________________.

That should give you a good start and pour some gasoline on the embers.  Have fun.

Love God and others with abandonment.

Pastor Rick

how can i draw closer to God?

“To hear a heartbeat you have to move in close, listen carefully and avoid all distractions.”
– rm

The topic of drawing closer to God and living in a place of intimacy with Him is certainly not a “hot topic” in the church of today. Sadly many of us are so busy seeking His hand (what he can DO for us) that we have forgotten how to seek His face (to know His identity). This series redirects our attention to knowing Him in a more passionate and intimate manner.

Four things we see in James 4 about how we can draw closer to God.

1. Spend time focusing on Him – which requires leaving the distractions of the world behind.  (vs. 4,5)
2. Be honest, genuine, real, humble – no false religious facades when talking with Him. (v. 6)
3. Resist the lies Satan will tell you: “You are too far gone.  God won’t forgive you – again.” (v. 7)
4. Be prepared to get cleaned up in actions (hands) and attitude (heart) but this happens as you come near to God.  Notice, it says come near and then the washing and purifying are to be done.  (v.8)

If you wait until you have your life all cleaned up before you approach God, you will never “come near” to Him.  In fact, if you could clean up your own life, you wouldn’t need Him at all.  Here is how that purification takes place:

1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.