Great Idea for Christmas

Share the true meaning of the season by gathering family and friends to read the Christmas story. Here it is in chronological order.
If you have young listeners be sure to choose an easier to understand version like The New International Version or New Living Translation. If you have really small, or impatient listeners, read only the sections listed in bold.

A tradition we enjoyed when the children were small was to have them use the pieces of a non-breakable nativity set to act out the action while Dad read. (See the video below to see that this does not have to be some high and holy experience.  Have fun with it.)
Print this out and store it with your decorations and you’ll be ready to do it again next year.

Have fun and a Merry Christmas.

John 1:1- 5, 14 (Eternal Word made flesh)
Luke 1:5-25 (Zechariah’s vision)
Luke 1:26-56 (Mary’s vision and trip)
Matthew 1:18-25 (Joseph’s first dream)
Luke 2:1-20 (Bethlehem & Shepherds)
Matthew 2:1-12 (Magi)
Matthew 2:13-23 (To Egypt and Nazareth)

Want to see how this works?
Jonathan dug up an old home movie of one of our Christmas readings.
Check it out here.

3 thoughts on “Great Idea for Christmas

  1. Oh my goodness! How cool. It was so fun to hear the Christmas story but even more fun to see all you guys so young. James is on his way home and I told him he has to see this cute video. You have such a wonderful family Pastor Rick. It is obvious that you have trained up your children in the way that they that should go…and none of them have departed from it. What a great dad. It encourages me to be a better mom and teacher of the word to my own children. Who knew a post from December would be read in August. The Christmas story is good all year around amen? Love you guys, kassie

  2. Yes, this was taken our first Christmas living in San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala. Elevation is approximately 7,000 feet so though it is a Central American country it was cold up there and the houses have no heat. Concrete walls, ceilings and tile floors make it like an ice box in the morning before the sun comes out. At times we could see our breath while laying in bed. Not a great motivator to get up in the morning. What wonderful times!

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