Conduct yourself

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27
What a great passage to commit to memory and use as a motto for life. Whatever happens … good, bad or otherwise … whether I understand it or am totally clueless … whether it is fair or unjust … whether I like it or not … whatever happens as I pass through life may I conduct myself in a worthy manner.

May my actions, attitude, behavior, thought life, that which I look at, that which I think about, those I associate with, everything I do, may my conduct be worthy of the gospel … worthy of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Worthy of Christ means no room for retaliation, no resentment, no bitterness, no criticism, no murmuring but instead kindness in exchange for hatred, blessing in response to attacks, humility in the face of arrogance, not returning evil for evil.

What a great passage to post near the door so every time we exit we are reminded, “As I go today, no matter what happens, I want to conduct myself worthy of the message I bear; the good news of Jesus Christ.”

2 thoughts on “Conduct yourself

  1. So true and so impossible to do without the Holy Spirit. Just wish I could say I was following this direction 100% of the time!

  2. Can you imagine how the world would be drawn to the Lord if we, the people of God, did live this way all the time? Well, He knew what He was getting when He bought us and He knew what a mess we are when He sent us. So, from His perspective, using us is the best way to go. Certainly does make sure HE gets all the glory for anything good accomplished in our lives, doesn’t it?

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